Список из 153 интеллект-карт на английском языке, которые готовы помочь вам достигнуть Больших Целей и Высоких Результатов:
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Примеры карт - 18 на русском и 5 на английском - можно скачать здесь -
Time Management and High Efficiency
- 1. 5 questions for each day
- 2. 6 errors interfering with your self-development
- 3. 7 anchors that pull you to the bottom of life
- 4. 7 brain settings that control you and your life
- 5. 7 ideas to accelerate your personal growth
- 6. 7 Ways to take an exam
- 7. 8 lists that accelerate the success up to 8 times
- 8. 9 factors of success in life
- 9. 10 ideas for taking off to a better life
- 10. 10 ideas how to improve the efficiency of the brain
- 11. 10 ideas on how to accelerate personal growth
- 12. 10 most terrible mistakes in life
- 13. How to learn anything 10 times faster
- 14. 10 ways to boost your iq
- 15. 10 ways to manage the tasks faster
- 16. 14 useful habits
- 17. 14 ways to change life in 60 minutes
- 18. 14 ways to cheer up yourself here and right now
- 19. 15 ideas how to spend time in a traffic jam or queue with profit
- 20. 15 Tips for a great start of the day
- 21. 15 ways to improve your memory
- 22. 15 ways to spend an evening with maximum benefit
- 23. 20 golden rules of success
- 24. How to become more productive and effective
- 25. How to incorporate in yourself any skills
- 26. How to do more in less time
- 27. How to get everything to the end
- 28. How to increase personal effectiveness by 10 times
- 29. How to quickly get out of a crisis situation
Creating financial independence
- 30. 7 smart thoughts on how to make more money
- 31. 10 rules of how to become rich
- 32. 10 signs that you picked up the virus of poverty
- 33. 10 skills that will help you earn a million
- 34. 10 ways of becoming rich for free
- 35. 10 Ways to Make Money Fast
- 36. 15 ways to spend money with maximum benefit
- 37. 20 habits of millionaires
- 38. How to attract luck and money
- 39. How to earn the first million
- 40. How to expand the financial flow
- 41. What Successful People Do not Do
- 42. What the rich people do not do
How to always be healthy and energetic
- 43. 10 ways to develop Inner Strength
- 44. 10 ways to fall asleep quickly
- 45. 10 Ways to Get Rid of Bad Habits
- 46. 12 ideas how to be cheerful all day
- 47. 12 ideas to become energetic quickly
- 48. 15 factors shortening your life
- 49. 15 steps to a slim figure
- 50. 15 ways to get rid of laziness
- 51. 15 ways to quickly relieve stress
- 52. 15 ways to relax here and now
- 53. 21 ways to cheer up in 5 minutes
- 54. How to always be in shape
- 55. How to become healthy for free
- 56. How to increase the level of testosterone
- 57. How to get up early in the morning
- 58. How to live to 100 years
- 59. How to quickly fill yourself with energy
- 60. How to run fast while exercising little
- 61. Secrets of a healthy diet
- 62. Top 7 things that destroy you from the inside
- 63. Why you can not wake up in the morning
Identifying your talents and abilities
- 64. 7 choices for success in life
- 65. 7 questions to better understand yourself
- 66. 7 secrets of success in life
- 67. 7 thoughts to succeed in life
- 68. 7 thoughts to become happy
- 69. 8 ideas to better understand yourself
- 70. 9 keys for a better understanding of life
- 71. 10 questions for a bright life
- 72. 10 reasons why you can’t find yourself and your talent
- 73. 12 rules you need to know since childhood
- 74. 15 signs that this is your talent
- 75. How to find yourself faster and understand who you are
- 76. How to love yourself
- 77. What to do before 30 years, so that after 50 the life was successful
High motivation and confident self-esteem
- 78. 6 cruel truths that will make you better
- 79. 7 inspirational phrases
- 80. 7 questions that will make life better
- 81. 7 refreshing thoughts for the brain
- 82. 7 thoughts for inspiration
- 83. 7 thoughts that change life forever
- 84. These 7 thoughts will make you a freer person
- 85. 7 thoughts to become a hero
- 86. 7 thoughts to improve life
- 87. 9 ideas on how to get rid of self-doubt
- 88. 10 ideas for self-motivation
- 89. 10 ideas how to raise the level of joy and happiness
- 90. 10 ideas on how to be less angry
- 91. 10 motivating kicks for a lazy ass
- 92. 10 reasons not to give up on the way to a dream
- 93. 10 signs that you waste your life for nothing
- 94. 10 ways to attract luck to yourself
- 95. 10 ways to overcome your fear
- 96. 12 things that need to be removed from life for success
- 97. How to become a leader for yourself and others
- 98. How to become confident in 1 hour
- 99. How to believe in yourself
- 100. How to cultivate in yourself strong character
- 101. How to develop strength of will
- 102. How to find a way out of the hopeless situation
- 103. How to ignite the motivation inside yourself
- 104. How to raise a man in yourself
- 105. How to raise self-esteem
- 106. How to stop thinking and start acting
- 107. It makes you a loser
- 108. Tips for young people from the life experience of the older generation
- 109. What Millionaires do differently
- 110. What must be done for success in life
- 111. What to do if you are unlucky
- 112. What to do when everything is bad
Identification and achievement of the Great Goals
- 113. 7 ideas on how to accelerate self-development
- 114. 7 thoughts to achieve greater goals
- 115. 7 thoughts to become a man of action
- 116. 10 laws of successful life
- 117. 10 main spheres of life
- 118. 10 methods of self-development
- 119. 10 things to do every day
- 120. 10 truths to become successful
- 121. 10 ways to make the right decision
- 122. 10 ways to quickly achieve the goal
- 123. 14 Ways to achieve the goal
- 124. 20 questions that you should ask yourself every Sunday
- 125. 20 things that should be done before the end of life
- 126. How to become the best in your business
- 127. How to make any day happy
- 128. How to stop shy
- 129. Secrets of achieving the goal
- 130. Unusual methods of success
Creativity and ideas generation
- 131. 7 thoughts to make the brain smart
- 132. 10 Ways to Develop Intuition
- 133. 10 ways to increase the speed of thinking
- 134. Generating idea through the brainstorming
- 135. Gifts for the brain that you need every day
- 136. How to become smarter in 5 minutes
- 137. How to clear the brain of bad thoughts
- 138. How to develop creative thinking
- 139. How to get the right knowledge almost for free
- 140. How to read books correctly
- 141. Sources of knowledge for personal growth
Networking - Getting to know the right people
- 142. 10 ideas on how to quickly learn another language
- 143. 10 signs of a good mentor
- 144. 10 Ways to Become a Charismatic Person
- 145. 10 ways to get acquainted with a successful person
- 146. 10 ways to understand a person better
- 147. How to develop your voice
- 148. How to get rid of bad people
- 149. How to make people respect you
- 150. How to quickly find like-minded people
How to lose weight easily and quickly
- 151. 10 diet rules for losing weight
- 152. 10 motivations for losing weight
- 153. How to lose weight by 5 kilograms for 1 week
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